I'm Michelle Grant 



After a Rapid 40 Pound Weight Gain my Doctor Told me to “Suck it Up Buttercup!”

Hi!  I’m Michelle Grant and I am confident that I can help you navigate the challenges of  menopause. How do I know that I can help you? 

Because menopause hit me like a freight train! I gained over 40 pounds in one year and realized that my normal approach was not working.  I had heart palpitations, severe anxiety, joint pain, hair loss and depression. I even went to the ER one night thinking that I was having a heart attack only to find out that it was likely severe heartburn and a panic attack because I was thinking I was having a heart attack.

I went to both my family physician and my gynecologist for help.  My FEMALE gynecologist laughed and said “You are in menopause! Suck it up buttercup! It happens to all of us.”

I was shocked with the lack of empathy and the thought of this is as best as it will get.  This took a huge toll on my mental health and my confidence.  I found myself being so self-conscious even with my husband of 25 years, who assured me that I was beautiful.

I didn’t feel beautiful. In fact, I felt awful! 


I said no to parties and family events.  I stopped doing the things that I loved to do.  I was always in pain, exhausted and miserable.  I decided that enough was enough!  There had to be a solution.  I can’t be the only woman out there that feels this way.

I refuse to feel this poorly on a daily basis.  I dug deep into research.  I hit the books hard to learn how to help myself since my doctors weren’t interested or didn’t know how to help me. I knew that I was not settling for this life.  I deserved to feel great and so do you! 

The first thing that I did was change my eating habits.  After just a few weeks of balancing my blood sugar I felt like a new person.  My joints stopped hurting, my hot flashes decreased, my skin started to glow, I was sleeping so much better and had a ton more energy.

The plus was the weight started to slowly come off.  I was able to navigate the challenges of menopause and change my life through my extensive research and education.

Today I am a CGS Menopause Coaching Specialist and continued my education under Dr. Cheryl Allen a Naturopathic Doctor and Certified Menopause Practitioner. I was blessed with the opportunity to be mentored by New York Times bestseller and global fitness and nutrition expert Mark McDonald as well as international educator, nutritionist, and behavioral specialist Carrie Lupoli.

I have earned three specialty certifications in Change Psychology: How Do We Change Behavior CP:1,CP:2, CP:3 with Precision Nutrition, I am an IBNFC Certified Nutrition Coach and IBNFC Certified Health Coach.

I am currently earning my Level 1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery Certification through Precision Nutrition as well as earning my PFC3 Lifestyle Coach certification.


Now I have made it my life's mission to help other menopausal women live their best life as well. 

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